Data Analysis. Google Data Analytics Case Study - Bellabeat.

This analysis is part of a Capstone Project for the Google Data Analytics Certificate program (Bellabeat).

Kaggle Notebook GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
Data Analysis Google Sheets, Google BigQuery
Data Cleaning and Manipulation SQL
Data Visualization Tableau
Full Report Kaggle Notebook

Data Analysis. Google Data Analytics Case Study - Cyclistic.

This analysis is part of a Capstone Project for the Google Data Analytics Certificate program (Cyclistic).

Kaggle Notebook GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
Data Analysis R
Data Cleaning and Manipulation Tidyverse
Data Visualization ggplot, ggmap
Full Report Kaggle Notebook

Web Scraping and Data Analysis. Space Data Analysis Project.

This repository contains code and data for scraping spaceflight data from using Python, and visualizing the results using Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly in a Google Colab notebook.

Google Colaboratory Notebook GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
Scrap data and save as csv file Beautiful Soup, Pandas
Data manipulation, line and bar plots Numpy, Matplotlib
Interactive plots, choropleth and sunburst Plotly
Scatter plots and rolling average Seaborn

Data Analysis. Fatal Force: Police Shootings in the US.

This project aims to analyze this dataset along with additional datasets containing US census data on poverty rate, high school graduation rate, median household income, and racial demographics. This analysis will explore the relationships and insights that can be derived from these datasets using various data visualization libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly. .

Google Colaboratory Notebook GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
Data cleaning and manipulation Pandas, Numpy
Line and bar plots Matplotlib
Interactive plots, grouped bar and pie charts Plotly
Kernel density estimation and regression line Seaborn