
Explore my collection of projects where I design fully efficient data pipelines and implement scalable solutions. These projects showcase my expertise in GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Docker, Terraform, ETL pipeline orchestration, DBT, Spark, and Kafka.


Dive into my Data Analysis projects where I uncover meaningful patterns and trends from raw data. With skills in Python, R, SQL, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab, web scraping, data visualization and PowerPoint presentations, I dissect datasets to extract actionable insights.


Discover my Web Development projects, where you'll encounter innovative creations like this very portfolio website. Leveraging skills in Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, databases (PostgreSQL), user registration, and form handling, I craft interactive and dynamic web experiences.


Experience my GUI Applications projects, where I craft intuitive and user-friendly desktop interfaces. With expertise in Python, object-oriented programming (OOP), TKinter, Turtle, and Pillow, I bring interactive graphics to life and ensure seamless user interactions.