Portfolio Website. This very own.

Portfolio website built with Flask hosted on a virtual machine on Google Cloud Platform.

GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
Website development Flask, Python
Front-end design and styling HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Contact form with email automation WTForms, Flask-Mail
Deployment on virtual machine GCP (Google Cloud Platform)

Cafe Website. London Work-Friendly Cafes Website.

This platform is designed to help you discover the best cafes in London, England, where you can comfortably work, relax, and enjoy a great cup of coffee.

Visit Website GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
User authentication Flask-Login
Password hashing Flask-Bcrypt
Password recovery Flask-Mail
"Remember me" functionality Flask-Login
User-friendly interface for cafe listings HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5
Add and manage cafe listings SQLAlchemy, SQLite

TODO List Web Application. See for yourself.

TodoFlask is a web application that allows users to efficiently manage their tasks with a variety of features including user authentication, password hashing for security, task prioritization through starring, task coloring, and filtering by time periods.

Visit Website GitHub Repository

Features and Technologies:

Features Technologies
User authentication Flask-Login
Password hashing and recovery Flask-Bcrypt, Flask-Mail
Filtering tasks by period SQLAlchemy, SQLite
"Remember me" functionality Flask-Login
Task prioritization and coloring HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5